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There's a good chance you came here from my Tumblr or from Neo Cities, so welcome! This page is currently a work in progress, and is an alternative to any form of carrd, souped-up tumblr, etc.

This website is not meant to be viewed on mobile and is not fully responsive! I am nothing but an amatur coder with no actual lessons (that's... a work in progress. I hope to soon) as well as a life working full-time to feed myself. I'm constantly learning on the fly! I hope to eventually make it more responsive, but this won't be happening at this current time.

guest button here

another button here

I'm HelmetHeart! œ But feel free to call me Leavz, everyone does.

currently: recovering from surgery!!
likes: salad, waterfront views, travelling
main interests: f1, transformers

æ I WANT to eventually speak Portuguese fluently
æ I've been to the Arctic Ocean before
æ Someday, I'd want to travel the globe recording people's stories to share with others

I'll admit I'm not that big on sharing stuff about myself online. I could say it's a paranoia of tracking, or it could be me generally being a self-protecting person, but it's probably a combination of the two. I don't really have a ton about MYSELF to share, but I CAN share about what I like!!!


I'm a BIG F1 fan! My top handful of drivers (although not limited to them) are as follows:

1 Lando Norris4 2019-present
2 Ayrton Senna27 1984-1994
3 Fernando Alonso14 2001-present
4 Alain Prost5 1980-1993
5 Franco Colapinto43 2024
6 Max Verstappen33 2015-present

I want to state here that if you think it's fun to casually hate drivers, I don't want you here. I hate that kind of attitude, and don't want it near me. Please stay away.

I dabble into football when the World Cup comes around, and I occasionally keep into nation friendlies and the Brasileirão when i have the attention span. (You can blame my friends the football interest, somehow, even though I'm the most into football out of us.) Hockey is similar, except I've distanced myself with it a little bit unless The Leafs are in the playoffs.


My other main interest is Transformers! You can find my full page on it here! I'm currently trying to get my hands on a couple of the comics' series, so properly getting into it is currently a work in progress!


f1twt would never have been able to handle these two XD

look at them :') such an insane season! looking forward to seeing their rivalry come 2025 <3